
Be inspired by what words bring the most power and peace into our tribe of women’s lives and share with us what words are most meaningful to you and why.

We Grow More Together!

I am enough just as I am

"I am made whole"


This statement reminds my mind and heart to align in what I know is truth through Jesus Christ. -Hillary C.

"I love myself where ever I’m at!"


I’ve ‘believed’ I had to be doing a certain thing or have a certain amount of success and/or peace to ‘deserve’ my love. But loving myself where I currently am is an important focus and permission for me. Even if I’m grumpy and it’s a bad day.. I deserve my self love even more.
  -Sydney T.

"I am whole and happy now, just as I am."


I do not need anything more to feel myself, to feel happy. All that is here for me now.
 -Lyndsey V.

health, body & mind

“My mind and body work in perfect harmony.”

-Hillary C.

“My body functions to its optimum and I feel well.”

-Hillary C.

"I am calm."

-Christina S.

"I handle energies with ease"


This is on my desk to look at everyday during my sometimes stressful job. It reminds me I can handle hard situations or contention with people.
-Christina S.

“I am whole. My body knows how to and wants to heal”

-Carlie T.

physical health

"I am in tune with my body and know when I am full."

-Sydney T.


“I trust and follow my intuition.”


Becoming a mom has brought me to stark attention of my intuition. I believe we all have strong intuition within us that is ready to speak up in confidence. We know how to guide our life more than we think we do.
-Hillary C.


“Love is abundantly flowing around me and my home.”


This one came to mind after a frustrating sleepless night and reoccurring tiffs with my husband. Claim the love that is still there! It just needs to be called out.
-Hillary C.

“Joy and love guide and pull me along.”


Words are I feel the words are almost a shield of light. It radiates and gets bigger every time I say it. 
-Carlie T.

"I am whole and happy now, just as I am."


I do not need anything more to feel myself, to feel happy. All that is here for me now. 
-Lyndsey V.

inner power

“I am an unstoppable force of light”

-Carlie T.

“No one will disrupt my peace”

 -Carlie T.

"When I’m having a hard time with negative self talk, I stop the train of thoughts with the phrase: “I’m fine. You’re fine. We’re all fine.”

-Tammie L.

“I am at peace with who I am and my life purpose.”


His helps me to have calm and strength with where I am at in my life especially when I am feeling unsettled inside.
-Sherlyn T.

“I am grounded and peacefully moving forward in my plan”

-Sherlyn T.

"I am empowered today and every day"

-Sydney T.

hard times

“Christ is the breath of life.”


In my deepest pain after my brain surgery, sometimes it was all I could do to just breathe. If I could open my eyes, I would watch my chest rise and fall and say in my mind, “Christ is the breath of life.” If I couldn’t open my eyes (I was really sensitive to light), I would focus on the sensation of my chest rising and falling and think those same words.
-Tammy L.

"This too shall pass"

-Carlie T.


“ I look forward with faith and trust in God”


My story is that this helps me to let things go and to visualize handing my worries and challenges over to a higher power and just trust in that or the process of life.
-Sherlyn T.

living in joy

"I’m making room in my life for things I enjoy and are interesting to me."

-Sydney T.

“I am excited about life and learning new things.”

 -Sydney T.

power to choose

"I am capable of making good choices for my life."

-Sydney T.

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