About that freebie

I promised...

Thanks so much for downloading my mini-snip-it version of The Black Book which is literally a safe, private place for all the things we feel we can not say. You are going to love this! But first I wanted to address a few thoughts that might be lurking in your mind.

This isn’t the first time you’ve heard about letting go and feeling more free right?!

You could even be doubting whether taking the time to do shred journaling will even be worth it.

But, you’re here and you have this download and so you are probably ready to explore what good things can come about for you! That’s a great place to be.

What is unsaid is HEAVY, right?! And that can be discouraging.

I went through long periods of time where I would use what has become, The Black Book on and off until I realized it really was what was making a BIG difference in my emotional well-being. That’s why I do shred journaling multiple times a week and have become obsessed with sharing the process with others.

You would not have recognized me before I found power and my voice. It has been the acknowledging through writing that has brought this relief, not to mention it’s also brought more peace and power over emotions in stressful situations.

the black book

Bonus Black-Book Prompts

Just in case you’ve “shredded” all yours.

sad woman

Get your Black Book

Snip-it today!

We help you let go of the Sh*t

no one wants to carry around.